Pretty Woman

05 Dec 2017

Who, What, When, Where and Why?

Being creative is a thing that come and go but is a very important in software engineering. Being creative should be a second nature when it comes to designing web apps and applications. But design patterns aren’t exactly the thing we think it is. Let me first explain to you what is design patterns, in case you don’t know. In software engineering, design patterns in defined to be a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. This sounds like a mouth full and might not make too much sense but let me expand and give you an analogy on it. Design patterns is like templates that you can apply to certain codes that you have written or that have been written. With this it is easier to rewrite code over and over again because it follows a specific way of things.

Because I can, and because I will

There are many applications of software design when you make a web app. Things build upon each other and it’s actually quite dumb to start from scratch. There is no reason and a waste of time, and as someone of the 21st century I don’t really like wasting time. So we go back to design patterns. It’s a reusable solution to a commonly occuring problem. Who doesn’t like reusable solutions. Simple in the code that I have written for my project, I will reuse a lot of parts becasue I do not like wasting time and writing from scartch