Final Project Idea

19 Oct 2017

Written by Wendy Chong & Tony Sio


The problem: There are too many cars and too little parking. Many students live far and many drive to school. As a result, there are many cars being driven by individual students and it’s a waste of gas and money as well as leaving no parking spaces for others.

The solution: The (application) allows for students to find other students that live near by and carpool to school. Moanoa students can login and create a profile to see other students that live within a specified radius and (application) will match students according to schedule and places they will be or other criterias they specify like interest or classes.

Once a profile is created, other can browse the profiles filtered by specific radius one might want to drive, classes that they might be in together or matches each other interest.

Students can also set up notifications to find out automatically when someone near them either wants a ride or is willing to give a ride, whichever they specify.

Admins can monitor the site for inapporopriate content, make sure that people are safe and ban users who violate the Terms of Use.

Mockup page ideas

Some possbile mockup pages include:

Use case ideas

Whether or not the following bullet points list all pages or not, the completed use case should show an end-to-end scenario of using the system.

Beyond the basics

After implementing the basic functionality, here are ideas for more advanced features: