Meteor Gotchas

19 Oct 2017

When someone says meteor, what comes to mind? To me this beautiful image above me comes to mind. But sadly today I will not be talking about what you see in this beautiful image, instead I will be talking about something way less pretty. Meteor is a a Javascript App Platform that basically helps us run our html, javascript, and styelsheet to this pretty little page that we can all see. Dont’ get me wrong, meteor is great but it also has some downfalls.

One problem I have been having with metoer is the plugin packages for ESLint. I have been getting these errors and I don’t know why. I have updated, re updated and restarted everything and it just drove me nuts. And then a miracle happened. A little birdy told me that you need to point to the exact folder that you are working with in order for it to work. Now this might have have exclusively been a meteor problem but the plugin error did tell me it was meteor related so I’m gonna blame it on that.

The second problem I have encountered during my use with meteor is the slow loading/building application time. Sometimes it is fast, sometimes it is slow and this drives me crazy. Sometimes when you’re under a time pressure, that is really all that counts. Those few seconds will make you or break you and I will be a very unhappy person if it breaks me. I understand, there are lots of things to load and files to put but it doesn’t make sense that it takes so long, sometimes it’ll even take up to 10 mins.

Don’t get me wrong, here I might be ranting about the bad things about meteor but all in all it’s a good thing to use. It’s nice to be able to have a local host to be able to not only see the progress of what you are doing but to see live result of it is great. Of course there are other reasons to use metoer that I haven’t explored yet but for now I will keep it short.